Society of illustrators NY のcompetition「illustrators63」に2つのseriesが入選しました。そのうちの一つ「Moonlight」です。
Two of my illustration series have been accepted into the Illustrators 63 exhibit and book! Yeah! These images are part of “Moonlight” series.
Society of illustrators NY のcompetition「illustrators63」に2つのseriesが入選しました。そのうちの一つ「Moonlight」です。
Two of my illustration series have been accepted into the Illustrators 63 exhibit and book! Yeah! These images are part of “Moonlight” series.
Society of illustrators NY のcompetition「illustrators63」に2つのseriesが入選しました。そのうちの一つ「Daylight」です。
Two of my illustration series have been accepted into the Illustrators 63 exhibit and book! Yeah! These images are part of “Daylight” series.